THI's AWARE Center acquires DAAD funding to establish AI mobility network with South America, Asia and Northern Europe
The topic of mobility in conjunction with artificial intelligence (AI) continues to gain importance at Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences (THI). The long-term goal of the university is to establish an international research network on this topic with partners from science and industry. The THI is positioning itself as an attractive research location for international scientists. The AWARE Center, located at the THI, developed the concept “AI@motion International”. This concept provides for the international networking of the university as an AI mobility university through the recently founded THI Institute AImotion Bavaria.
In particular, strategy workshops, networking conferences and research competitions are to be organized with the strategic partner countries Brazil, Finland and China. Researching professors will receive stronger personnel and monetary support for the development of an international research network. In order to also specifically ensure digital networking, an online platform will be developed that will make the THI research landscape internationally visible and facilitate collaboration among research partners. In addition, the proportion of international researchers at THI is to be increased in the long term through an improved international research service.
THI President Prof. Dr. Walter Schober emphasizes, “International networking is significant for research fields such as artificial intelligence. We look forward to working with our Brazilian, Chinese and Finnish partners.” Munir Georges, AI professor of speech and text understanding at THI adds, “THI’s AI mobility node is dedicated to researching autonomous mobility in the second and third dimensions of driving and flying, among others. Now we are adding a fourth dimension to our activities and opening up international perspectives for our students and researchers.”
AI@motion International started in January 2021 under the scientific project management of Vice President Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Hof and the operational management of Anne-Sophie Kopytynski. It is funded in the DAAD program “HAW.International, Module A with 400,000 euros over two years. After the project enGlobe – engineers go global, Module B with a funding amount of one million euros, which was approved in 2019, the AWARE team was able to convince the DAAD selection committee for the second time. Thus, THI is the only Bavarian technical university to be funded in both modules.
Source: THI