Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (CAU) / Kiel University

Kiel University (Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel – CAU) is a full university, strong in research with more than 27,000 students and approximately 2,000 scientists. Among the programs of its eight university schools there constantly appear dynamic interfaces that are reflected in a profile that is both integrative research and instruction.

Along with a heavy emphasis on individual research, CAU created four knowledge areas on which it focuses its research: Life Sciences, Oceanography, Nanoscience, Surface Sciences, as well as Sociology, Environment, and Culture in Evolution. 

These areas of emphasis are based on the cooperation of excellent classes, on the development of new joint interfaces for research, instruction, and stimulus for the new generation, transfer, and equality of opportunities, as well as via successful long-term partnerships with partners outside of the university milieu. The main fields of research are heavily integrated with the structures of the universities and constitute the university bas for the cluster of excellence of “Precision Medicine in Chronic Inflammation“ (PMI), as well as “ROOTS – Connectivity of Society, Environment, and Culture in remote worlds“. 

Close cooperative relationships already exist with Brazilian universities and research institutes, which have been active in the areas of Oceanography and Geoscience, Romance studies/Linguistics, Geography, Hydrology, and Law for many years. Within the context of the systematic expansion of cooperation, CAU desire to deepen the cooperative work that is being done with the Society for Business Development and Transfer of Technology: Schleswig-Holstein Ltda. That is, in German, “Wirtschatsförderung und Technologietransfer Schleswig-Holstein GmbH” (WTSH), which has maintained a representation office in São Paulo since 2008. 


Dr. Martina Schmode

Head of the International Center