Have questions about the DWIH São Paulo? Here you can learn more about what exactly the DWIH is, our mission, how to get in touch with us, and the people who make up our dedicated team.
The DWIH São Paulo supports the exchange of ideas in areas of knowledge that will be critical in the future through events, networking and showcasing the work of German and international scholars. We focus on topics particular to the Brazilian research and innovation landscape, as well as the single, unifying topic chosen by the program committee for all six DWIH's each year.
The DWIH São Paulo has a vast network of supporters and partners, including research-based companies, start-ups, science organizations, universities and other institutions, to promote Germany as an innovation and research hub and to encourage the transatlantic exchange of ideas, resources, and talent.
The DWIH São Paulo provides a showcase for the research, science and innovation landscapes in Germany and in Brazil and informs you about research funding, career paths and opportunities for cooperation in Germany.
We keep a busy schedule here at the DWIH São Paulo. We provide a forum for international experts to network, exchange ideas, present their research and collaborate with one another through the events we plan with our supporters.
A glimpse into the diverse world of the DWIH network